
Safer space for Jewish students at the FU Berlin


Date for the digital meeting:
May 2 at 6 pm.

Please register for the access link by e-mail at:

We look forward to welcoming you in this safe space and building a stronger community.

Anti-Semitic cases of violence and discrimination in the context of higher education affect Jewish students in many ways. The associated threats and insecurities compound the devastating consequences of the terrorist attack on Israel and the war, as well as existing (transgenerational) experiences of antisemitism in the Jewish community.

The OFEK e.V. counseling center is working with the FU Berlin to develop and implement interdisciplinary awareness-raising and counseling formats for Jewish students and university employees. In cooperation with Chaverim@FU, the empowerment offer for Jewish students initially aims to encourage the exchange of experiences and to explore possible courses of action in the event of incidents.

We want to support students at Freie Universität Berlin and offer a space to meet safely and share our experiences.

It is important because of the increasing anti-Semitic incidents at universities and the ongoing global tensions. Together with OFEK e.V., we are therefore offering digital Safer Space meetings moderated by experienced professionals. These meetings should create a safe space for dialog and advice and help participants develop strategies to deal with anti-Semitic incidents.

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